Why do I need to log in with DigiD?

The healthcare insurer cannot send you specified overviews by e-mail or by post because of regulations stipulated in the General Data Protection Regulation. This is why you are being asked to log in on your health insurer's website to obtain the specified overviews.  In most cases you will need a DigiD to do so.

Once you have logged in on your personal page you can view the specified overview and, in general, you will be able to download it. On the overview, you will see your name and the name of the medicine as well as information about the date of treatment or issuance of the medicines. To learn how to access the overview, check the instructions for your health care insurer in the list below. In case your health insurer is not listed, we unfortunately cannot provide the relevant information. To obtain this information you may contact your health insurer directly.

Most selected health insurers


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn CZ

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "declaraties". Check all the submitted bills. You will find your total healthcare costs at the bottom of the overview. When logged in you can als view 'Berichten'. CZ sends you specified overviews of your health costs; on page 3 of the letter you can find an overview of your health costs. 

This is what the specified overview of CZ should look like.


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Menzis

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "Mijn geldzaken". Click on "Laat al mijn declaraties zien" and select the year. Filter by 'Rekeningen met een Eigen Bijdrage', 'Tonen' and dowload the overview. 

This is what the specified overview of Menzis should look like.

In the app you navigate to 'Mijn geldzaken'. Then click 'Laat alle zorgkosten zien' and then click 'Download zorgkostenoverzicht'. 


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Zilveren Kruis

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view “mijn verbruikte zorgkosten”.

This is what the specified overview of Zilveren Kruis should look like: example 1 or example 2


Overview health insurers:

A through D


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Aevitae 

There are two ways to log in to "Mijn Aevitae". With iDIN you log in to "Mijn Aevitae" with the login details of your bank. Does your bank not (yet) support iDIN? Then you can log in with a username and password. If you are logged in, click on "declarations".

This is what the specified overview of Aevitae should look like



For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Anderzorg 

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "Mijn gegevens". Here you will find the specification under "Mijn berichten". More information about the healthcare costs on the specification can be found under the menu "Mijn zorgkosten". Tip: search by treatment date.

This is what the specified overview of Anderzorg should look like.



For the specified overview of A.S.R. you need to log in to A.S.R. 

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "declaratieoverzicht". Click "farmacie" and then "eigen bijdrage".


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Avéro

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view “mijn verbruikte zorgkosten”.

This is what the specified overview of Avéro Achmea should look like



For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn AZVZ .

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "zorgkosten". Then click "farmacie". 

This is what the specified overview of Avéro Achmea should look like. 


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Besured 

Log in with your e-mail address and password on the website and view "Uitgekeerde nota's". 



 For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Bewuzt 

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view “declaraties”.

This is what the specified overview of Bewuzt should look like


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn CZ

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "declaraties". Check all the submitted bills. You will find your total healthcare costs at the bottom of the overview. 

This is what the specified overview of CZ should look like


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn De Friesland

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view “mijn vergoedingenoverzicht". Next click on the medicine for which you want to submit a declaration.

This is what the specified overview of De Friesland should look like.


For the specified overview you need to log in to Ditzo: Mijn Zorgverzekering 

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "declaratieoverzicht". Click "farmacie" and then "eigen bijdrage".

This is what the specified overview of Ditzo should look like


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn DSW 

Click Mijn DSW, log in with your DigiD and view "overzicht eigen bijdrage".

This is what the specified overview of DSW should look like

E through O


For the specified overview of FBTO you need to log in to Mijn FBTO. Choose log in with DigiD. 

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "bekijk je zorgkosten".

This is what the specified overview of FBTO should look like


For the specified overview of HEMA you need to log in to HEMA: mijn zorgoverzicht.

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "mijn zorgoverzicht".

This is what the specified overview of HEMA should look like


For the specified overview you need to log in to HollandZorg

Log in with your e-mail address and password on the website and view “mijn zorgkosten”.

This is what the specified overview of HollandZorg should look like


For the specified overview of Interpolis you need to log in to Interpolis: mijn zorggebruik. 

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "mijn verbruikte zorgkosten".

This is what the specified overview of Interpolis should look like


For the specified overview of inTwente you need to log in to Mijn inTwente.

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "overzicht eigen bijdrage".


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn IZA

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view “declaraties”.

This is what the specified overview of IZA should look like


For the specified overview of IZZ you need to log in to Mijn IZZ Zorgverzekering.

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "declaraties".

This is what the specified overview of IZZ should look like


For the specified overview of JUST you need to log in to Mijn CZ.

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "Mijn Zorgverbruik". Check all submitted billes. You can open the relevent lines by clicking on them for all the details. Make sure you send an image on which we see your (login)name. 

This is what the specified overview of Just should look like


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Menzis

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "Mijn geldzaken". Click on "Laat al mijn declaraties zien" and select the year. Filter by 'Rekeningen met een Eigen Bijdrage', 'Tonen' and dowload the overview. 

This is what the specified overview of Menzis should look like.

In the app you navigate to 'Mijn geldzaken'. Then click 'Laat alle zorgkosten zien' and then click 'Download zorgkostenoverzicht'. 


For the specified overview of National Academic you need to log in to Mijn National Academic. 

Log in with your e-mail address and password on the website and view "uitgekeerde nota's".


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn NN Zorgverzekering

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "mijn declaraties". Then click 'mijn zorgkosten'. 

This is what the specified overview of Nationale Nederlanden should look like


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Ohra Zorgverzekering

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "zorgkosten". Then click "mijn zorgverbruik" 

This is what the specified overview of Ohra should look like


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn ONVZ

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "mijn status". 

This is what the specified overview of ONVZ should look like.

P through Z


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn PNO

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "uw declaraties". Click on "2022" and then click "farmacie". 

This is what the specified overview of PNOZorg should look like.


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Pro Life

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "mijn verbruikte zorgkosten". Click on 'download zorgkosten' to download the PDF-file. 

This is what the specified overview of Pro Life should look like. 


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Promovendum.

Log in with your e-mail address and password on the website and view "Uitgekeerde zorgkosten". 

This is what the specified overview of Promovendum should look like


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Salland

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "mijn zorgkosten". 


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Stad Holland

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "overzicht eigen bijdrage”.

This is what the specified overview of StadHolland should look like


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn UMC Zorgverzekering

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view “declaraties”.

This is what the specified overview of UMC should look like


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn United Consumers

Log in with your username and password on the website and view “declaraties”.


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Univé Zorg

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view “declaraties”.

This is what the specified overview of Univé should look like.


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn VGZ

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view "mijn overzicht". Then click 'toon mijn facturen' en then 'bekijk details' of the treatment you want to claim. In case the name of the medicine is not mentioned on your specified overview, you can add extra documents. You can also ask VGZ to send the specified overview per post. 

This is what the specified overview of VGZ should look like: example 1 or example 2 (combined with letter). 


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn VvAA Zorgverzekering

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view “declaraties”.

This is what the specified overview of VvAA should look like


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Zekur Zorg

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view “declaraties”.

This is what the specified overview of Zekur should look like


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Zilveren Kruis

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view “ zorgkosten”. Click on 'download zorgkosten' to download the PDF-file. 

This is what the specified overview of Zilveren Kruis should look like: example 1 or example 2


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn Zorg en Zekerheid.

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view zorgkosten”. Then click "farmacie". 

This is what the specified overview of Zorg en Zekerheid should look like


For the specified overview you need to log in to Mijn ZorgDirect

Log in with your DigiD on the website and view “mijn zorgkosten”.

This is what the specified overview of ZorgDirect should look like

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