General information

The Reimbursement Solution TerugBetaalRegeling (TBR) of Xigduo (dapagliflozine & metformine HCI) 5 mg for patients with diabetes type 2, WITHOUT a very high risk of cardiovascular disease AND who are not eligible for the pre-existing reimbursement of the health insurer (combination with metformin and/or SU), will be continued. The end date for this TBR for this group of patients has not yet been determined.

Type 2 diabetes patients WITH a very high risk on cardiovascular disease are covered by the regular reimbursement of the health insurance. Very high risk is defined as:
• established cardiovascular disease; and/or
• chronic kidney disease with
− eGFR 30-44 ml/min/1,73 m2 without albuminuria or
− eGFR 30-59 ml/min per 1.73m2 with moderately elevated albuminuria (ACR > 3 mg/mmol/l); or
− eGFR ≥ 60 ml/min per 1.73 m2 with severely elevated albuminuria (ACR > 30 mg/mmol)

(NL-8749 Prod 02.2022)

For a complete reimbursment overview of Forxiga® (dapagliflozine) 10 mg/Xigduo 5 mg, click here

For a digital reimbursement guide of Forxiga® (dapagliflozine) 10 mg/Xigduo 5 mg, click here

Dose Xigduo® 5mg and Forxiga® 10mg
Type Tablets



Declarations of Xigduo® (dapagliflozine & metformine HCI) 5 mg for patients with type 2 diabetes WITHOUT a very high risk of cardiovascular disease AND who are not eligible for the pre-existing regular reimbursement of the health insurer (in combination with metformin and/or SU), with an issue from 1 July 2019 can be submitted to TBR Nederland.

Declarations of Xigduo® (dapagliflozine & metformine HCI) 5 mg for patients WITH  type 2 diabetes and very high risk of cardiovascular disease, with an issue date between July 1, 2019 and September 1, 2021, have expired and can NO longer be submitted. Issues from September 1, 2021 for this group of patients will be fully reimbursed by the health insurer.

Who can submit a claim

  1. Patients or their caregiver can declare the Personal Contribution for Xigduo® 5mg or Forxiga® 10mg online or by post.
  2. Pharmacists can only declare this medicine online on behalf of the patient.

From when till when can you submit a claim

Declarations advanced by the pharmacy can only be submitted to TBR Nederland up to 6 months after issued. For this reimbursement scheme no closing date has been determined yet.

Submit a claim online

Patients and pharamcists can claim online and will receive the reimbursement within 5 working days.

Read our tips on how to submit a claim online

Login & Submit a Claim          Open an Online Account


Submit a claim by post

Patients can claim by post and will receive their reimbursement within 15 working days.

Tips on how to submit your claim by post

Please mail the Claim Form and attachments to:

TBR Nederland
Postbus 8011
1180 LA Amstelveen 

NL-8749 Prod 02.2022
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